When at first I walked in and browsed through, "nah..." I said. So after picking up a few things that I actually went in for. I walked back to the two tables with the 'junk' on it.
Then I began to see the potential. Wreaths, table center pieces, and crafty gift giving ideas. Wow my brain was spinning, with Pinterest ideas. Couldn't help it, had to have it.
Well I toted off all the garland, and all the glitter tissue drape. Yep,,,wiped them right out. Felt like a bandit, just spending less that $20.00. I might go back tomorrow and load up on the Christmas cards. The envelopes alone are worth more than the asking price of 10 cents.
Ya'll go ahead and laugh. Wait until we have a 'Pinteresting Crafty Day' at Church. And check out my purrtee creations. Don't be lusting!!
Love running into bargains like that. Now just have to remember where I store it, and drag it all out in time to get it done before Christmas.
Oh!! Dollar General is my 'Rayonier Wal-Mart'
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