Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ansleigh's Notes

The little Cravey Girls got a Dry-Erase / Chalk Board for Christmas. Several times in my tracking in and out of their house, I began to notice notes that Ansleigh wrote.  Like, 'school' or 'horses'. A couple of times I even wrote them a note.
Today when I sneaked down to the Cravey house.  (yep...doing laundry). This note was laying on the garden tub. Right in front of the toilet. I would assume that's were Ansleigh the author of it, put it where her Daddy could see it.
Let me convey her note:

You are nice Daddy
You do fun stuff
with me that's wy
You are nice Daddy.

Then she drew two stick figures, a 'me' & 'you'.
Then below that a BIG BLUE HEART.

LOVE THIS GIRL, and her Daddy....for being nice.


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