Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pam & Roy

Interstate Credit Union
Great banquet tonight.
Pam & Roy. Not just a 9 to 5 job.

Thanks Pam and wonderful staff of ICU.

Brooks Coleman, was a real 'Jack-in-the-Box'
My head is still spinning. With A B C's, And P. D. Q's (or whatever he said). Actually I was hoping he would have gotten close to me. Wanted to tell him "Love the tie", "but don't wear it to Oakland, CA. . somebody would burn it".


Door prizes .... bestest ever.
Lawrence....winning a $50.00 cash prize. First time he's ever been to one of these meetings. I've been to several...PAM....what's up with that.


1 comment:

Pam Leggett said...

So glad you and Bro Lawrence got to come. You know if I had been pulling the tickets it would have been yours!! It was a great meeting but I sure was wore out by the time I got home and finally got to eat some of that good food. I have been very blessed to work at Interstate for 25 years. Great people to work with. Love you sis sandi (aka my political advisor)!