Friday, January 20, 2012

Date Night

Picture should be self-explanatory.

This is where he wanted to eat at tonight. Two things on the bar I would even consider to eat. As I said "YUCK"

One of my 'New Years Resolutions' is: Have a Date Night at least once a month. Now that can be checked off my list. Next time I'll pick. Burger King or Mickey-D maybe!

One highlight of our evening was the fortune cookie. He choose first (naturally) it said "The greatest ownership is embracement of emptiness"
I have no clue what that meant, as far as I can tell ... it's a big typo!!
My fortune cookie: "You don't have to be perfect to fulfill you dreams."


It's been a pretty stressful week, good thing it was just a four day one. Now looking forward to next week, catching up on my 'Declutter List'. And hopefully make my first ever 'recycle' deposit. These are two other items on my 'resolution list'. I'm <3 it.

Good night, thanks for following my here. Catch up with me on Pinterest and Facebook too.


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